- cmake.peakrdl/peakrdl_socgen/peakrdl_socgen.peakrdl_socgen(IP_LIB **kwargs)¶
Create a target for invoking PeakRDL-socgen on IP_LIB.
PeakRDL-socgen generates top verilog file that connects the IP blocks.
PeakRDL-socgen can be found on this link
Function expects that IP_LIB INTERFACE_LIBRARY has SYSTEMRDL_SOURCES property set with a list of SystemRDL files to be used as inputs. To set the SYSTEMRDL_SOURCES property use the ip_sources() function from SoCMake (internally using set_property() CMake function):
Additionally it is possible to inject custom Verilog code inside the generated verilog code. In order to inject files its necessary to do 2 things: * Name of the file needs to be <name-of-the-subsystem_<whatever>.v/sv for example apb_subsystem_plic_irq.v * Set the SOCGEN_INJECT_V_FILES property of IP_LIB like shown below, it is possible to provide multiple files. Another option is to pass the parameter INJECT_V_FILES as parameter to the function.
set_property(TARGET <your-lib> PROPERTY SOCGEN_INJECT_V_FILES ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/apb_subsystem_plic_irq.v)
This function will append verilog files generated to the SOURCES property of the IP_LIB.
PeakRDL-socgen also generates a graphviz .dot file as a visualization of the generated architecture.
- Parameters:
IP_LIB (INTERFACE_LIBRARY) – RTL interface library, it needs to have SYSTEMRDL_SOURCES property set with a list of SystemRDL files.
Keyword Arguments
- Parameters:
USE_INCLUDE – use verilog include preprocessor directive instead of embedding injected
code directly into generated verilog. By default embedding is used. :type USE_INCLUDE: option :keyword GEN_DOT: enable generation of graphviz dot file along with verilog files :type GEN_DOT: option :keyword OUTDIR: output directory in which the files will be generated, if ommited ${BINARY_DIR}/socgen will be used. :type OUTDIR: string path :keyword INJECT_V_FILES: list of Verilog or SV files to be injected into the subsystems. :type INJECT_V_FILES: List[string path]