- cmake.peakrdl/peakrdl_ipblocksvg.peakrdl_ipblocksvg(IP_LIB **kwargs)¶
Create a target for invoking PeakRDL-ipblocksvg on IP_LIB.
PeakRDL-ipblocksvg generates IP block diagram like the one shown below.
PeakRDL-ipblocksvg can be found on this link. It is important to have inkscape installed on the system for this function to work. Function expects that IP_LIB INTERFACE_LIBRARY has SYSTEMRDL_SOURCES property set with a list of SystemRDL files to be used as inputs. To set the SYSTEMRDL_SOURCES property use the ip_sources() function from SoCMake (internally using set_property() CMake function):
This function will append .png files to the GRAPHIC_FILES of the IP_LIB.
- Parameters:
IP_LIB – RTL interface library, it needs to have SYSTEMRDL_SOURCES property set with a list
of SystemRDL files. :type IP_LIB: INTERFACE_LIBRARY
Keyword Arguments
- Parameters:
OUTDIR – output directory in which the files will be generated, if ommited
${BINARY_DIR}/ipblocksvg will be used. :type OUTDIR: string path :keyword TRAVERSE: option argument if passed, it will traverse the hierarchy and generate a .png file for each addrmap :type TRAVERSE: option :keyword APPEND_HIERPATH: Append hierarchical path to the output directory, for example if outdir is /home/user/test/ and hierarchy of Addrmap is soc.apb_subsystem.plic the output directory will be /home/user/test/soc/apb_subsystem/plic, use PATH_SUFFIX to append additional suffix to this path :type APPEND_HIERPATH: option :keyword PATH_SUFFIX: Append a path suffix to the output directory, for example if –path-suffix=docs/pictures and outdir is /home/user/test/, and APPEND_HIERPATH is active, addrmap hierarchy is soc.apb_subsystem.plic, the real output path will be /home/user/test/soc/apb_subsystem/plic/docs/pictures/ :type PATH_SUFFIX: string :keyword LOGO: a logo can be placed in the middle of generated picture like shown in figure above. :type LOGO: string path